When You Fail to Recognize the Issue: Mendoza, Argentina

Argentina was hard! We were “suspended” from ministry and this was when a lot of things began to go downhill for me regarding my team. It was also when I more vividly began to see the issues within the World Race organization as a whole. It was such a blessing to come across a now popular book. Click to read more!

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Month three we entered Argentina! It was hot! I thought we weren’t going to experience this until Africa!

Argentina was hard! We were “suspended” from ministry and this was when a lot of things began to go downhill for me regarding my team. It was also when I more vividly began to see the issues within the World Race organization as a whole. It was such a blessing that I came across the book, I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown. In the midst of all I was going through, this book helped me know I was not alone in my experiences. Please read it to understand more of what I experienced (I will have a video directly outlining my experiences on another post).

As part of our “suspension,” each day we had to spend time with the Lord (as if this shouldn’t already be a consistent routine in one’s life) and then meet together to resolve our “issues.” The irony was that one of the guys who seemed to have the most issues got to return home to Georgia for a wedding. With him gone, our team was able to discuss our issues and alleviate them. We were also allowed to participate in squad/team building activities (which he wasn’t a part of #counterproductive).  Funny how upon his return, our “issues” resurfaced. Hmmm…

That said, here is some of the ministry we got to do while he was gone. We shared a message and provided food to kids. We also helped to prep a school for renovation. Hope this video gives you a tiny glimpse into the small amount of work we go to do while in Argentina. I’ve also included the team building activity we were allowed to participate in.


Until Heaven or Sooner,


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Author: Adri Michelle

Teacher, fashionista, athlete, but most importantly Christian, Adri Michelle illuminates Christ in every field she enters. She has her own website and podcast. A native of Dallas, Texas currently residing in Californian where you can find her sharing her faith while teaching in fashion and staying healthy.

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