Let Them Make Mistakes

“Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.”

Photo Credit: Mi’Jirah King

“Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.”
― L.M. MontgomeryAnne of Avonlea

Continue reading “Let Them Make Mistakes”

When to Decide

“My philosophy has always been that I don’t need to decide if I like a guy until he decides to pursue me.”


Too often we over-complicate this by reading too deeply into guys words and actions. We get in our groups or CG and even “mention” a guy and we’re already forced to see if we can see ourselves walking down the isle with them. Continue reading “When to Decide”

Preparation. Preparation. Preparation.

Every time August comes around, I have this awful reoccurring dream. It’s the first day of school. Every thing is moving in slow motion. I’m panicking. I have no idea what I’m doing the first day of class. I arrive early. After clicking ferociously through files of past lesson plans saved on my computer, I race to the copy machine, only to find there’s a long line because two out of three of the machines are jammed!

Photography by Tyler Park

Every time August comes around, I have this awful reoccurring dream. It’s the first day of school. Every thing is moving in slow motion. I’m panicking. I have no idea what I’m doing the first day of class.

Continue reading “Preparation. Preparation. Preparation.”

What My Students Teach Me

tawThis week has been Teacher appreciation week. Which, of course, brings with it many notes and letters from our students. As a person whose love language is words of encouragement, it is truly one of my favorite times of the year. These letters inspire and encourage me, but they also teach me.

Continue reading “What My Students Teach Me”